<h5>Benefits and Perks:</h5>
Passionate people like you receive a wide variety of financial and personal job benefits at RCT with Hostel facility (optional). We honour flexi timing policy. Your time will be recorded and billed to the nearest minute with overtime (if applicable) after duty hours (day & night shifts).</p>
<p>We work 5 and half days a week - Monday to Saturady (half) with 6 leaves per quarter (3 casual leaves, and 3 medical leaves). We live and work in a positive, high-energy environment with frequent chill outs and happy hours, offering you opportunities to further your career and make a real difference in peoples lives.
<h5>Life; Life is good.</h5>
<p>Here's how Software Development & 'partying' intersect 🙂 Rockstars at RCT work their sweat off all throughout, but when they party, they really do it with a B-A-N-G! Presenting you some of our office amusements ( 'Happy Hours' as we call it) inside (and outside) Realcube Technology's HQ.
Realcube Technology #RCT